
Memo Bee starting introduction

As a students we want to upgrade our knowledge we decided to learn a new language,
we choose python to learn we heard alot about it and about it's very active community,
to practice our new ability we wil make a program ,
the program have to satisfy these conditions :
1 - easy : as it's our first application in python
2- GUI and Handy : and we choose Python-gtk for that
3- funny : so we named it a funny good name memo bee or memo be
the 2nd refers to be memorized
4- expendable
our idea is a program with python and gtk we'll use these tools
  • Stani's Python Editor (SPE)
  • Geany
  • gdb
  • Glade interface designer 3
  • Dev help
  • inkscape
the program is basically an alerter of your dates and memories and program launcher at a specific time, we'll put the road map for it in 1 week starting now
the starting teem are :
Me : Blaze Boy U can contact me at BlazeeBoy[at]gmail[dot]com
My partner : the Master of ninutsu U can contact him at the_master_of_ninjutsu2[at]yahoo[dot]com

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